Cay’s Toenails and Celebrating Razzie’s 13th

On Saturday I took Cay to the local groomer to get her toenails clipped. That is one thing that we still have trouble with. I have tried doing one nail per day and taking it slowly, but it never seems to get done. I work on touching her feet at bed time and other times […]

Bandit’s Eye

We went to the vet to have Bandit’s stitches removed today. I was amazed again at how well the vet had stitched up the skin over Bandit’s eye and how well it has healed. As the stitches were being removed, I felt very fortunate that Bandit’s eye wasn’t injured. It was such a close call, […]

Give Me a Hug, Give Me a Break

My friend Sarah in Virginia rescued Chase from a violent man who was going to shoot him for chasing sheep. When Chase first came to live with us, he discovered that he could get my undivided attention when I was, ah, sitting on the toilet. When I’m the only person around, I don’t usually latch […]

Cay Goes to School

Today Cayenne started her first obedience class. She has been here with us since April and has had plenty of time to settle in. She has ridden along to obedience school, agility, and herding events. Now that summer is over and she has become much more comfortable in different situations, she gets to attend her […]

Bandit’s Ad

This has been a busy week! At the end of last week, Barb O’Brien of the Animal Connection called. They were interested in auditioning/ photographing Bandit for a Cargill ad. The shoot would be at the beginning of this week. We had never done an ad before, but it sounded interesting.   Luck (or chance) would have it […]

Bandit’s First PTc Leg!

I’m pleased to announce that Bandit earned his first AKC Pre-Trial Test leg on cattle this morning at the ACDCA National Specialty.

Herding Practice Runs and Chris Zink Seminar

Bandit and I were signed up for a herding practice run on cattle today. The practice runs were about a 45 minute drive from the show site. It was a beautiful drive, with some fall colors appearing. I was glad that I had my GPS along though, because just the two of us went and […]

Open Obedience and Hillside Spaghetti Dinner Benefit

On Sunday morning it was raining as hard as ever. Obedience and agility events were scheduled to run outside. Bandit and I were entered in Open A obedience and Novice standard and jumpers agility. I was still on the fence about running in agility. The field was even muddier and slippier than the day before. […]

Rain, Rain, Go Away in PA

When Bandit and I arrived in Shartlesville, PA for the Australian Cattle Dog National Specialty, it was raining. Too bad because they’d had beautiful fall weather leading up to the weekend, and the events were scheduled to be outside. On Saturday, the agility was run in the rain. I agonized over whether to run Bandit […]


Bandit Bandit has Rusty’s blaze and red ears. The only red ACD pup for miles, he found me minutes after Rusty died. The circumstances that brought me with my dying ACD-X and Louanne with her red ACD pup to the vet at the same time were unusual, but no coincidence. It wasn’t even Louanne’s regular […]