On Hurrying
Hurrying from one thing to the next
used to feel good,
Like a person was important and in demand,
like things were happening in one’s life.
Hurrying makes one look ahead to the next thing,
Multitask, multitask, multitask
and forget to be here. Now.
Hurrying means there is too much to do and not enough time to think about
why we are trying to get so much done,
and why we don’t have much time to do what we enjoy,
or notice the beauty around us.
Right now.
Why do we honk at the deer in the road, not slowing down,
willing them to leap out of our way?
Why don’t we stop to look,
to be where we are
and appreciate these beautiful creatures
who appeared in the road like an unexpected gift,
a special surprise?
Why not stop, look at them
and be a few seconds late,
but full of joy
because we see their beauty?
Perhaps hurrying makes us miss even more.
Perhaps hurrying makes us even less important
and less a part of this world.
Be where you are
and see what is around you
Posted on February 17th, 2012 Filed under: General
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